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Prospective Tech COVID 19 Strategic Response

The world economy is an infinitely complicated web of interconnections. We each have a series of direct economic relationships we can see: the stores we buy from, the employer that pays our salary, the bank that makes us a home loan. But once you get two or three levels out, it’s really impossible to know with any confidence how those connections work As the world feels the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic new challenges are being sent throughout all sectors of life. These new circumstances almost certainly demand that changes take place within the modern Social, Cultural, Economic, and Business practice. Creating a new normal: What that new normal will look like we cannot say with any certainty, but what we do know is technology will continue to be one if not the critical tool that will redefine the shape of the new normal join us as the world reshape itself...

In a recent study of CFOs on how technology will help ease their transition back to the workplace, 

46% of respondents say they will accelerate automation and other new ways of working;


 60% of respondents cited automation and remote work among their top-three actions.


Another 21% of respondents are evaluating tools that enable them to use contact tracing and geo-tracking tools.

These are critical but complicated actions, given privacy concerns.  But what is sure is that the new normal will call for new tools to address the unprecedented effect of COVID 19. And this will be the New Normal.

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