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AI Team

Like many, we spent a lot of time over the past few months trying to comb through all the hype about AI, ChatGPT, and Large Language Models.


Every day, newspaper columns and social media feeds are filled with equal amounts of overblown optimism about how ‘generative AI’ will change the world and sci-fi doom-mongering about it ending humanity.

Amid all this noise, commentators and companies alike are overlooking one reality: how these newly popular AI applications are already impacting the economy, business models, and people’s lives.


AI is a step change in the evolution of artificial intelligence. As companies rush to adapt and implement it, understanding the technology's potential to deliver value to your business model will be critical. We have assembled a team of AI experts from across the globe from different sectors to capture the potential of this ever-changing technology to help companies adapt their business models to these ever-growing changes.

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